Viggo is very Mortensen

At Mortensen we are Viggo Mortensen fans (and who isn’t!). He fascinates us as an actor, as a poet, as a musician and as a painter. Born in New York, of danish descent, he has lived in Argentina and Venezuela until he has finally settled in Catalunya. His first role as an Amish farmer in the film “Witness” fascinated us, we put a face on Tolkien’s Aragorn from “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy, we suffered “The Road’s” apocalypse and we dreamt of returning to nature with “Captain Fantastic”.

Like him, we are from a lot of places — at Mortensen we workers are from all over Catalunya, Spain, Portugal and Italy—; we are passionate about mixing disciplines like illustration, music, photography, programing and literature; and we’ve worked in Paris, Frankfurt, San Francisco and Toronto to finally settle, like him, in Barcelona.

Mortensen is very Viggo and Viggo is very Mortensen. Naming our project Mortensen is our small big homage to Viggo Mortensen, maybe not the best actor of all time but definitely the one we share the most values with. Oh, and we are also fans of the San Lorenzo de Almagro football club’s colours.